Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Break

I've been unemployed for almost six months and I've managed to accomplish some pretty cool things:  visited Philadelphia, visited the Historic Triangle- composed of Jamestown, Colonial Williamsburg and Yorktown, traveled to Paris, Nice and Barcelona, completed a French course, got hooked on three addicting television shows (OK, this is probably not cool, per se), visited most of the Smithsonian museums, read several great novels and currently reading my third Fitzgerald novel, gone to matinees and watched a lot of indie films. Also, I should add that I  visit the gym Monday-Friday and recently I started enjoying the free public pools in DC where I swim a few days per week.

Those accomplishments aside there's still a lot I want to do. I always thought I'd fill up my empty days easily, I also thought I'd find a job in a matter of a few months, but since it looks like I may be jobless for a bit longer I really want to make the most of my free time. So, I have decided that I will force myself to write at least weekly and then,  once I begin to love writing again I'll contribute more. Years ago I used to sit down and write for hours, but now it's as if my brain is clogged and all I can think about is how I need to start working soon and worry about why I haven't found anything yet. I worry about what I "should" be doing, or "could" be doing, I worry that I'm not doing enough and that I'm missing out on opportunities.  I can't control when I get hired, thus it's pointless to spend so much time worrying about it.  Of course, I'll still send applications, but I want to dedicate more of my energy to writing, exploring and enjoying my free days.  I should look at this time as a sabbatical, I mean I have been working since I was fifteen so it's about time I have a little break.

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